姓 名:张海曦
职 称:讲师
电 话:
邮 箱:zh.haixi@nwafu.edu.cn
基本信息 张海曦,2011年7月毕业于西北工业大学电子best365体育官网平台电子信息工程专业,获得工学学士学位;2014年4月毕业于西北工业大学电子best365体育官网平台信号与信息处理专业,获得工学硕士学位;2015年11月至2017年11月于美国北卡大学夏洛特分校进行联合培养;2020年7月毕业于西北工业大学电子best365体育官网平台电子科学与技术专业,获得工学博士学位;现为best365体育官网平台讲师。
研究方向 基于层次化架构的大规模图像识别
招生信息 招生要求:
1. 具备较好的编程能力,有深度学习方面的科创实践基础;
2. 具备良好的英语阅读及写作能力;
3. 能够积极参与组里的纵向研究性课题,以及横向实践性课题。
1. 完备的科研环境,以及充足的资金支持;
2. 参加国内/外会议,与知名高校及实验室进行学术交流的机会;
3. 为有意向进一步深造的同学提供推荐及支持。
2023级: 许堃莹(保研) 李恒照
2024级: 王宇 姬博华
发表论文 11. Bin Liu, Huakun Ren, Jiaxin Li, Nannan Duan, Aihong Yuan, Haixi Zhang*. RE-RCNN: A Novel Representation-Enhanced RCNN Model for Early Apple Leaf Disease Detection. IEEE/ACM Transcations on Sensor Sensor Networks, CCF-B.
10. Liangliang Tian, Haixi Zhang, Bin Liu, Jiaqi Zhang, Nannan Duan, Aihong Yuan, Yingqiu Huo. VMF-SSD: A Novel V-Space based Multi-scale Feature Fusion SSD for Apple Leaf Disease Detection. IEEE/ACM Transcations on Computional Biology and Bioinformatics, CCF-B.
9. Henan Sun, Haowei Xu, Bin Liu, Dongjian He, Jinrong He, Haixi Zhang and Nan Geng. MEAN-SSD: A Novel Real-Time Detector for Apple Leaf Diseases Using Improved Light-weight Convolutional Neural Networks[J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (SCI 2区)
8. Dong Huang, Xiaoyi Feng, Haixi Zhang, Zitong Yu, Jinye Peng, Guoying Zhao, Zhaoqiang Xia : Spatio-Temporal Pain Estimation Network with Measuring Pseduo Heart Rate Gain. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. (SCI 1区)
7. Haixi Zhang, Guiqing He, Feng Li, Zhaoqiang Xia, Bin Liu, Jinye Peng: Plant Taxonomy-guided path-based tree classifier for large-scale plant species identification. Journal of Electronic Imaging.30(02):023019(2021).(SCI 4区)
6. Xianlin Peng, Dong Huang, Haixi Zhang: Pain intensity recognition via multi-scal deep network. IET Image Process. 14(8):1645-1652(2020). (SCI 4区)
5. Haixi Zhang, Zhenzhong Kuang, Xianlin Peng, Guiqing He, JInye Peng, Jianping Fan: Aggregating diverse deep attention networks for large-scale plant species identification. Neurocomputing 278:283-294(2020).(SCI 2区)
4. Guiqing He, Yincheng Huo, Zhen Ao, Haixi Zhang: Towards plant organs in nature: a new dataset for plant organ system. Journal of Electronic Imaging 29(06):063009(2020). (SCI 4区)
3. Guiqing He, Qiqi Zhang, Haixi Zhang, Yuelei Xu, Jianping Fan: A concept ontology triplet network for learning discriminative representation for fine-grained classes. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 79(33-34):25189-25214(2020).(SCI 4区)
2. Lei Li, Zhaoqiang Xia, Abdenour Hadid, Xiaoyue Jiang, Haixi Zhang, Xiaoyi Feng: Replayed video attack detection based on motion blur analysis. IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur. 14(9):2246-2261(2019). (SCI 1区)
1. Haixi Zhang, Guiqing He, Jinye Peng, Zhenzhong Kuang, Jianping Fan: Deep Learning of path-based tree classifiers for large-scale plant species identification. MIPR 2018:25-30. (CCF-C 会议)
项目经历 1. 基于层次化模型的大规模植物识别方法研究,陕西省青年科学基金项目(主持)
2. 基于深度学习的大规模植物识别方法研究,best365体育官网平台博士科研启动基金(主持)
3. 基于卷积神经网络的新型卫星全色与多光谱图像融合方法研究,航空科学技术基金项目(参与)
4. 基于深度学习的大规模图像层次化多任务目标识别方法研究,航空科学基金项目(参与)
5. 媒体大数据的深度分析与结构化描述关键技术研究,国家“863”课题(参与)
Professional Title:
Personal Information Research Directions Curriculum Academic Achievement Current Undergraduate Graduated Student